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Specialized Enduro Comp Short SLT
Skladové číslo: 99000651
Objednávkový kód: 64220-510
Specialized Enduro Comp Short SLT
79,90 s DPH
Momentálne nedostupný
Dostupnosť tovaru je nutné overiť
emailom na objednavky@jumpsport.sk.
Poštovné zdarma

Specialized designed their Enduro Sport Shorts with a very straightforward purpose—to be your go-to pair of shorts for every mountain bike ride. Not surprisingly, it's not as easy as it sounds. It all starts with the construction, and for it, they opted to use a woven version of our VaporRize™ fabrics. This bolsters the overall strength of the shorts, so they'll be able to take a punch when you inevitably bail on the trail, without compromising anything when it comes to breathability, weight, or comfort. For your convenience, they also included two hand pockets and a zippered side pocket to house your small ride essentials and electronics. And if you tend to load them up before a ride, you're exactly the reason that they included side waist adjustment tabs. This way, your fit at the waist is always going to be dialed. Say goodbye to sagging, which is even more true considering that their inseam is about 1.5 inches shorter than their Enduro Pro counterpart. For further comfort, these shorts feature an integrated pair of liner shorts (not removable) that come complete with the Body Geometry Mountain Chamois. This insert was designed to provide plenty of support to the body without being so substantial that it feels like it's getting in the way. As a result, the feel is one of versatility, and with the added touch of relieving soft tissue pressure while increasing blood flow, you can all but guarantee that you'll be riding in supreme comfort with all of the integrated storage you could ever ask for.

  • VaporRize™ woven fabrics place an emphasis on durability and moisture management, leaving you dry, comfortable, and protected out on the trail.
  • Two hand pockets and one zippered pocket provide ample, secure room to house your trail essentials and electronics.
  • Side waist adjustment tabs ensure that the fit of the shorts is easily customizable and dialed-in, even when your pockets are loaded.
  • Deflect® UV 30+ protects your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • 12" inseam (size 34" waist) falls low and loose near the knee, allowing plenty of room to run pads.
  • Fixed liner shorts with Body Geometry Mountain chamois are lightweight and breathable, while the chamois adds plenty of comfort and support.

Meno: Povinný údaj
Email: Povinný údaj

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Študentská 1, Galla Centrum
Košice 04001
Mobil: +421 910 901 619
Email: jumpsport@jumpsport.sk
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Po - Pi: 10:00 - 18:00 hod,
Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00 hod
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